
2021/07/16 16:27




Kindly Reminders on Mental Well-being at Home for 2021 Summer Vacation


Dear parents,


As the summer breezes take away the anxious end-of-term exam phase and brings in the long-expected relaxing vacation, our students cannot wait to welcome a productive and exciting summertime. To help students adjust to the optimal physical and mental conditions, and to assist parents in better arranging the vacation period for children, VSP Psychological Group herby presents to you a list of kindly reminders on psychological education at home. Wish all of our students enjoy a wonderful summer vacation!



On Academic Progress  


Parents can try the following approaches upon receiving students’ academic progress:

·  肯定孩子进步的地方,与孩子一起分析欠缺的地方,鼓励孩子继续努力,表达对孩子的信心。

Complement children on the improvements they have made, and look into the areas that they can still work on. Encourage children to push forward, while letting them know that parents have full confidence in them.

·  语气温和,耐心倾听孩子对于成绩的想法,积极接纳他们的情绪。

Speak with a gentle tone and listen patiently to what children think about the scores. Accept their emotions actively.

·  切忌拿自己孩子的成绩和“别人家的孩子”作比较,这样容易伤了孩子的自尊心。

It is not recommended to compare your child’s scores with the ones of other children, as this may hurt a child’s self-esteem.



On Vacation To-do List


Parents can try the following approaches to provide children with a well-organized and fulfilling vacation:

·  假期计划作为孩子一天日程的纲要,内容包括:起床时间,学习时间,娱乐时间,吃饭时间,运动时间,睡觉时间等条目。

Make a general plan that’s to be followed by children during the vacation, with schedules including wake-up time, study time, entertainment time, meal time, exercise time, go-to-bed time, etc.

·  计划中尽量包含所有日常事务,减少后续计划上的变动,以免影响孩子在实行上的积极性。

Try to include as many daily routines as possible in the plan. This is to minimize possible changes later on, so as to guarantee children’s active engagement.

·  通常孩子们在做计划时会高估自己完成的速度,导致在未完成时感到挫败,甚至放弃。因此建议预留25%的时间以备孩子情绪缓冲。

Generally speaking, children tend to overestimate their abilities in finishing each task, and this can cause frustration when they cannot compete the assignment according to the planned time, so a leeway of 25% of the expected time can be reserved when making the plan, just in case children might need the extra window to calm themselves down.



On Parents-children Relationship


The development of a child is inseparable with the company of parents, so parents can try the following approaches:

·  每天在固定时间与孩子一同进行体育锻炼、家务活动、亲子游戏等,共度美好亲子时光,实现高质量的陪伴。

Do exercises, family chores, and play family-friendly games with children at a fixed time every day. Spend time with children and realize meaningful quality time.

·  交流中,避免使用反问、否定、比较等类型的语言。多发现孩子的闪光点,包容孩子的不足。

Try to avoid using rhetorical, negative and comparative expressions when communicating with children. Always find the shining points in them and be tolerant of their weaknesses.

·  当发现孩子产生了烦躁、伤心等情绪时,应用“我知道你很伤心/焦虑/害怕……”的句式,引导孩子发现、发泄自己的情绪,并积极接纳孩子的情绪,多站在孩子角度换位思考。

When children are having negative emotions such as frustration and sadness, try to tell them “I know you’re sad/anxious/afraid…” to guide children find and unleash their feelings. Accept their emotions actively and try to think from children’s perspectives.



On Electronic Devices


Parents can try the following approaches if children are too absorbed in the virtual world:

·  避免一刀切式的把孩子的手机电脑直接收走,这可能引起更为激烈的冲突,造成严重后果。

Avoid taking away children’s cellphones or laptops bluntly, as this may escalate tensions and result in severe consequences.

·  共商电子产品使用规则,明确使用的场景和时长,制定奖惩措施。

Discuss with children on the rules to use electronic devices, with the when and where clarified and an award and penalty practice set up.

·  制定丰富有趣的假期计划,包括阅读,运动等内容,逐渐减少不必要的上网时间。

Make diverse and interesting vacation plans that include reading and exercises, so as to reduce unnecessary online surfing activities.


Thank you for reading these tips. If you have any questions regarding educating children at home, please call the 24-hour hotline on teenager mental health service of Pudong at 400-820-6235 and Shanghai teenager mental health hotline at 12355.


Wish you and your children could spend a summer vacation that is safe, happy and fulfilling together, with enough energy recharged for the new school year!


文字 | 学生发展中心-心理组

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