
The new domestic cases broken out at various places in China during the 2021 summer vacation have definitely disrupted our orderly and serene life. Students can easily get worried and concerned about the current situation. To help our students maintain a positive attitude, get well prepared for the new term, and stay safe during this period of time, VSP Psychology Group has hereby presented the following tips.
How to drive away negative emotions?
With a new wave of COVID-19 cases coming back at us, students may experience negative emotions such as anxiety, panic, rage and fidgeting. These are what we call the “negative evils”. When we encounter them, the following tips might be helpful:
· 学会理解和接纳来自自己的不同情绪,包括“负面君”。请暗示自己“我现在的担心/焦虑/害怕……是每个人都会有的正常情绪”。
· Try to understand and accept our various emotions, including the negative ones. Tell yourself that “I’m anxious/worried/scared about… and these are all normal feelings that everyone would experience”.
· 与爸爸妈妈耐心交流,倾听他们的想法,并适当发泄自己的情绪,击退“负面君”。但是,我们在表达情绪时出现了破坏性的行为,如吵闹,摔东西等,请家长帮助并适时制止这种不恰当的发泄方式。
· Talk with parents patiently and listen to their ideas. Unleash your emotions in a proper way to get rid of the “negative evils”. Meanwhile, if students are causing damages or chaos, such as screaming, shouting and breaking things when expressing their emotions, parents could step in at this point and stop these inappropriate behaviors in time.

· 当我们恐慌时,告诉自己“爸爸妈妈都在守护我!”,能予我们力量,感到有依靠!“负面君”的敌人就是亲情。
· When we’re feeling anxious, always remind yourself that “parents are here protecting me”. This will make us feel stronger because we know we’ll always have someone we can depend on. The nemesis of “negative evils” is the power of love.
· 同时,我们要学会辨别网络信息的真伪。应该通过权威渠道,如央视,人民日报等获取相关信息。不传播来源不明,未经证实的信息,关闭“负面君”存活的空间!
· At the same time, we need to learn to distinguish actual news from misinformation on the Internet. We can get access to the latest news and updates via official channels such as CCTV and People’s Daily. Please do not spread unverified information from unknow sources. In this way we can all help to nip the “negative evils” in the bud!

How to stay creative at home?
Many students have to cancel their vacation plans due to the new COVID-19 outbreaks. We’re now spending much more time at home, so how to tap into our creativity and imagination under the current circumstances becomes a critical question. The following tips might offer some help:

· 学会时间管理。我们在家长的引导下使用番茄时间管理法,你的时间你作主,实现“时间自由”!
· Time management is key. Under parents’ guidance, we can try the “Pomodoro Technique” and become the masters of our own time!
How to make a tomato clock:
Draw a tomato clock with crayons and colored pencils on a piece of white paper.
List all the things you intend to do in one day, then cross out unimportant ones and highlight the five most important things. By listing all the things that we’ll do gives us a clear understanding of what’s important and what’s not.
Cross out all the time-wasting items.
Write down the five most important things that you’ll work on during that day, and try your best to get them done.

· 自创趣味性活动。为了减少居家的枯燥感,同学们自己创造一些安全、有趣的活动。例如:给自己做“盲盒愿望”,准备一个饼干盒子,在纸条上分别写下十件“愿望”,放在一个盒子里,每天盲抽一条去做,如看一部喜剧电影,陪伴宠物、听听音乐、晒晒太阳等,从而完成自己的“深宅大愿”!
· Create interesting activities on our own. To make stay-at-home life more fun, we can create some safe yet interesting activities. For example, we can make “blind box wishes” by writing down ten “wishes” on ten separate notes and put them in a biscuit box. On each day, we can randomly draw a note from the box and go on to either watch a comedy, spend time with dogs, listen to some music, or enjoy the sunshine based on the wish we draw. In this way, our wishes can also get realized without going out too far from home!

Enjoy the summer
If you’re still confused or have questions that you’d like to seek answers for, please call the Pudong 24-hour teenager mental health hotline at 400-820-6235 and the Shanghai teenager mental health hotline at 12355.
Last but not least, we’d like to ask all students to not leave Shanghai unless totally necessary. Starting from August 15th, parents and students shall go through a 14-day health observation period at home in Shanghai before the school starts.
Let’s all contribute to a safe and joyous environment. Look forward to seeing all of you back on campus!

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