插班生申请信息 Application Info for Transfer Students
Welcome to Vanke School Pudong!
Students who are willing to commence Grade 2-5 and Grade 7-8 at VSP in September 2021.The school will offer places on the basis of competitive selection, if places are available.
2021年8月23日 周一 下午
Monday, August 23th 2021
Written Component:
Oral Component:
Candidates will be informed by the admission office to schedule the oral component if they pass the written test.
请家长扫描以下二维码递交在线入学申请表。递交成功后,招生部会提前电话及短信确认,安排插班生测试。请家长们不用重复信息登记! 请耐心等候学校通知,感谢您的配合和理解!
Scan the following QR code to complete the online application. Our admission office will inform parents in advance once we received your application. Please avoid double submission.
Applications must be submitted by 16:00 August 18th.

3、14天内有国内疫情中风险地区旅居史的需提前一天将”核酸检测报告”发至浦东万科招生办:adm-vsp@dtd-edu.cn 感谢您的理解和配合!
1. Students must wear masks on campus at all times.
2. To enter the campus, you need to fill in the health form and have your temperature checked, and you must have green health code and travel code.
3. Those who have a history of travelling and residence in high-risk areas of COVID-19 within the last 14 days should send the report of negative nucleic acid test results to the admission office 1 day in advance. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
咨询热线 / Tel:
021-34633623 / 021-50897913
招办邮箱 / E-mail Address: