VSP celebrated the fourth 2021 Science Week which themed ‘Science is WEIRD’, and our students were involved in a series of activities with a focus on research methodologies and scientific presentations.
浦东万科学校举办了2021年的第四场科学周,围绕“Science is WEIRD”的主题,学生们在各种形式的活动中,聚焦科学研究方法,展开科学知识讲解。
Science Poster Competition
The purpose was to impart a spirit of healthy competition among fellow students to have best practices for self-promotions in the near future. VSP believes a well-presented documentation is half way to success and all our students were actively involved in making scientific posters with high level of creativity. We have witnessed a wide variety of artistic and creative writing skills in our students which will replicate in bringing a new wave of freedom in reaching greater heights in their scientific career. How will the world know their talents unless they reach the proper channel with required promotional activities and this poster design task has fully used by our dear students enabling them to have a cutting-edge technology in one hand and great communication skills in the other.
设立这一比赛,目的是在良性竞争的氛围中,培养学生自我展示的能力,以便为他们的未来发展做好准备。我们认为, 内容充实、引人入胜的展示和文字能为成功打下坚实的基础。在此次比赛中,学生们充分调动了自己的创造力,展示了出色的科学海报制作能力。我们看到了很多艺术气息浓郁且充满想象力的文字内容,通过一点一滴的积累,学生在今后的科学生涯中也会逐渐收获更多的自由空间,释放自己无限的想象力。想让世界了解并欣赏未来精英的才华,这些青年才俊首先要懂得如何通过合适的方式,展现个人的优势和能力。通过此次海报设计工作,学生们在充分拥抱尖端科技的同时,更提高了自身的沟通技能。
Science Quiz Show
The purpose of our science quiz program is mainly to develop the spirit of participation and then to encourage the students for wider reading. This develops curiosity and makes them to explore knowledge. Further it creates a sense of searching and inquiry. As a grading necessity it helps to recognize bright and talented students. The achievers will always thrive to go for greater targets which is the driving force for them to dedicate their life towards an undistracted goal in academic heights. As a whole we will have more scientists, engineers to help the society futuristically. Our students came out with bursting enthusiasm to participate and won many prizes for various rounds.
Science Fair Display
Our students brought their project display and gave a live demonstration from the evaluation of their choice of project and how they made it. As budding scholars, students were asked to design a scientific investigation, for a testable hypothesis, present the collected, transformed and interpreted data, and validate the hypothesis based on the outcome and write improvements or extensions to the method.

Models Display

Throughout our academic year our students are asked to make a scientific model or a prototype of what they learn in science and STEAM classes. These includes atomic structures of various elements, solar system, any electric plan, 3D human organ samples made of clay, parts of a plant and many more. All these work samples are displayed in a specific place for all to see and explore what is happening in the current science and technology field. Our students get a great recognition and appreciation which will encourage them to do more.

Virus Research Display

As part of sensitising the student community on the pandemic developments around the world, our students are asked to do an individual research and present the findings of the origins of various viruses. Further they collect pictorial evidences of their structures and how they enter into the lives of people. They also give a detailed report on how to control/prevent such virus entering to our body. These details are displayed in charts, 2D and 3D models, handmade clay structures. By doing these works, the engaging students as well as the spectators are become aware of certain threats and safeguard themselves by becoming very alert.

Every science fair brings great excitement to students as it gives them opportunity to think beyond their existing knowledge. They produce undeniable scientific craftsmanship showing us what the future will be with their contribution for a better life style. Beyond the class room learning these science fairs seeds in the spirit of a scientist allowing their thought process to expand for new horizons. Science fairs help to form a healthy competition between individual and group to strive for more performance. Even the faculties also get better understanding of the calibre of the students and nurture them more effectively.
素材提供 | 孔佳星、Ms.Leo、方大宝
排版&拍摄 | 品牌部