教师成长 | VSP老师参加美国著名教育专家Lucy Calkins工作坊

2023/11/24 17:00

“成为终身学习者”不仅是浦东万科对学生的期许,也是老师们身体力行的事情。近日,小学部四位老师参加了美国著名教育专家、哥伦比亚大学教育学院读写计划(TCRWP)创始人Lucy Calkins教授及其专业团队举办的阅读和写作研讨会,学习到了许多对VSP英文阅读及写作教学有指导借鉴意义的教学方法。

下面是一年级班主任及英文/UOI教师Elin Mai Hughes的学习感想。后续四位老师也将把所学经验通过内部培训形式分享给更多的VSP教师,共同推动学校教学水平的发展和提高。

VSP教师和他们的学生一样,都立志成为终身学习者。最近,小学部四位一线教师参加了由哥伦比亚大学教育学院读写计划(TCRWP)创始人Lucy Calkins和她的研究员们主持的研讨会。Lucy Calkins是教育领域颇具影响力的人物,她不仅是一位作家,还是哥伦比亚大学教育学院读写专业项目联合主任。她对美国读写教育的影响是极具变革性的。

VSP teachers, like our students, are perpetual learners. Recently, four of our educators embarked on a learning journey by attending a workshop led by the esteemed Lucy Calkins and her fellows. Lucy Calkins, an influential figure in the realm of education, is not just an author but also the founding director of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University. Her impact on literacy education in the United States has been nothing short of transformative.

在Lucy Calkins的卓越领导下,哥大教育学院读写计划一直是影响一线教育实践的指导力量。该项目十分注重教师的专业发展和读写教学技能培养,以阅读与写作工作坊的形式加强学生参与度,让学生在真实的情境中发展读写能力。

The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, under Calkins’s adept leadership, has been a guiding force in shaping literacy education practices. With a focus on professional development for teachers and the creation of resources to bolster effective literacy instruction, the project champions a workshop model that accentuates student engagement, choice, and genuine experiences in reading and writing.


Calkins’s influence extends globally, with educators and school districts across the world adopting her methodologies and philosophies to elevate the teaching of reading and writing skills in their classrooms.


Our inquiring quartet of teachers attended the workshop with a mission – to absorb and subsequently share the acquired knowledge with their peers through in-school training sessions. What proved particularly astonishing was the depth of insight gained on integrating Units of Inquiry with English Language Arts lessons. The workshop also delved into small group work strategies, complete with procedures to ensure optimal teacher-student interaction and student support.

学员们探讨了包含自然拼读教学、非小说类书籍阅读在内的关于阅读教学的内容,这与浦东万科的 IB”探究单元 “不谋而合。对于非小说类书籍的广泛阅读,不仅可以提高我们学生的阅读技巧,还能培养他们的学习自主性,为他们在 IBPYP “探究单元 “中开展独立研究做好准备。

The comprehensive exploration of reading covered everything from strategies for teaching phonics to extracting the maximum value from non-fiction books. This dovetails seamlessly with our Units of Inquiry, as enriching our students with additional non-fiction reading skills not only nurtures their autonomy but equips them for independent research within our IBPYP Units of Inquiry.

Lucy Calkins特别强调小组教学的重要性,这也是本次工作坊学习的重点之一。老师需要将相似语言水平的学生组成小组进行授课。这种教学方式更具有针对性和个性化,能尽量满足每个学生的具体需求。浦东万科小学和初中英文均采用“分层教学”,这与此次培训的理念也颇为一致。

Lucy Calkins’s distinctive emphasis on small group teaching within the reading and writing workshop model was a focal point of the workshop. In the context of literacy instruction, small group teaching involves working with a select number of students who share similar needs or goals. This method allows for a more tailored and personalised approach, empowering teachers to address the specific needs of each student group.


Similarly, in the writing workshop model, small group teaching encompasses working with students at analogous stages in the writing process or those in need of targeted instruction on specific writing skills. Small groups become forums for teachers to confer with students about their writing, furnish feedback, and offer guidance on revision and improvement.


As VSPers, our commitment to continuous learning extends beyond personal development. We strive to embody IBPYP role models, living the attributes of the learner profile and embracing lifelong learning. Our teachers are enthusiastically embedding these newfound strategies into their lessons and are gearing up to provide additional training for their peers. The objective is clear – to propagate these innovative reading strategies across the primary school, ensuring an always-evolving and effective learning environment for our students.

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 上海浦东新区民办万科学校