

Dear families,
VSP students have had a busy year at school. We’d just like to take a moment to reflect on some of those activities, offer some advice about children’s learning, and last of all wish you well for the next stage of your child’s schooling.
School activities
It has been a packed schedule of learning, as well as:
–Learning beyond Classroom: two successful and educational field trips

-Speech competitions (within class, grade and DTD!)

-Tug of war 拔河比赛

-Sports day 运动日

-Baobei lap-a-thon 宝贝乐跑

-Book week 图书周

-Chinese Culture Week 传统文化周

– Humanity Week 人文周

-Math Week 数学周

-Science Week 科学周

-Talent Show 达人秀

– two successful Concerts&Art Shows

-Drama Festival 小百老汇

Productive learning
As teachers, we want to help your child develop in the best way; each child is unique and has different personalities, skills, and strengths. One of the best things about being a teacher is finding that uniqueness and encouraging each child to find and develop their passions in life.
Your child’s all – round development is also important to their progress and adaptation to the modern day world. It’s important to note that all children develop in different skills sets at different speeds. Considering what strengths they have and giving a lot of encouragement and positive feedback will enable them to feel more confident and have self-belief, and will enable them to develop more strongly across all areas.
Equally, if you only give your child “catch up” classes in areas they are “weak”, then this will filter into their mind that they are not good at anything, and that study is hard. It is important to stimulate your child’s mind and give them classes also in subjects that they do enjoy and excel at, to give them positive experiences and confident self-expression.
也就是说,如果我们过于纠结在孩子相对来说 “弱势”的领域,总是在这些方面给他们“补课”的话,那么孩子就很可能会觉得自己什么都做不好,慢慢对学习产生抵触心理。在这一阶段,适当激励孩子非常重要,我们要让孩子参与到能调动起他们兴趣,并且他们也擅长的学科中,让他们去感受积极的学业体验,塑造他们充满信心的自我表达。

* G2’s creative-confidence assembly for the whole of primary.
*由二年级组发起的VSP Tree of creative-confidence受到了全体小学部同学的积极参与。

Good luck in
2021-2022 School Year!
Thank you for a great year in VSP. We would like to express that we really appreciate your time, and your evident care for your children and their all-round development. We hope they have learned a lot from us, as we have learned a lot from them!
The children are closer to the beginning of their learning journey, than even the middle; and I believe it never ends. It means, they’re building and developing their skills throughout their life. Let’s help them to set a strong foundation for lifelong learning.
We wish you all the best for the up-coming school year.

文字 | Ms. Frances
(Head of Grade2)
编辑排版 | 品牌部

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