The 2021 VSP house dodgeball competition took place from the 23–25 November. Let High-Octane Dodgeball Heat up This Winter! Students spent the week preceding the tournament learning the rules and regulations and had the chance to practice their skills with some exciting high-octane games played in the gym.


What are the highlights of dodgeball?
Here are some of the great benefits: It’s a great form of anaerobic exercise and increases agility and balance, improves strength training and hand-eye coordination, promotes weight loss, improves flexibility, relieves stress, and develops fast reflexes. What’s more, dodgeball can help students build teamwork spirit. You need to work with your team to take down the opponents, making it a great activity to not only learn and work with others but also gain leadership skills.


School Spirit (5C’s& 5R’s)
We choose dodgeball as one of our House events because it can help students become creative, communicative, resilient, willing to take risks and respectful of other people, all of which are valuable traits in our 5Cs and 5Rs principles. The sport of dodgeball without a doubt helps to develop creativity – with students working together and thinking of ways to defeat their opponents, communicating closely and trusting teammates. Resilience, of course is a huge factor in this exciting game. Many times a single team player can defeat 3 or 4 players through a display of resilience. Risk-taking is also a big part of the game. Without taking risks it is unlikely a team will succeed. Students show respect for their teammates and their opponents and often discover they have a new-found respect for themselves after performing better than they imagined. Last but not least, it is a great opportunity for students to reflect on their game before they compete again, analyzing what their strengths were and what areas they can improve on.


Let’s not forget that dodgeball is also a wonderful game to unleash your stress. You can feel a bad day slip away bit by bit with every throw. Also, it’s fun! Laughter is the best stress reliever, so get on the court, have fun and laugh out loud.

Activity Moments!


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