Tug of War
The very first VSP Pudong Whole school House competition of the 2021/2022 school year took place on Monday.

学生们听从指挥、互相尊重,即使在输掉比赛情况下也都没有消极的情绪,表现出极大的坚韧毅力。学院之间出色的沟通技巧和团队合作精神,让整个比赛充满着体育精神。这场激烈的比拼,我们通过决胜局来决定胜负!9 年级学生作为志愿者在这次拔河比赛中体现出了强烈的责任感,确保比赛公平公正,与此同时他们也关心竞争的对手。

Students followed instructions well, showed great resilience and were respectful to fellow students. There were no negative displays of emotion when losing any battle and the whole event was carried out in a very sportsman like manner. Many teams showed great communication skills and worked very well as a team. There were some extremely close battles and some tie-breaker matches were necessary on a number of occasions. Grade 9 students showed how responsible they could be in ensuring games were fair and were caring towards competitors.

A big thank you to all of our teaching faculty and support staff for their efforts throughout today. A special mention too for our dedicated PE team and our Grade 9 pupils for their assistance in making this event happen.


本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 上海浦东新区民办万科学校