本期人物——VSP二年级班主任Mr. Martin
In VSP, there are many education dreamers. They are like fearless and wise captains who take students to swim in the sea of knowledge, experience the wonder of the world, cultivate a resilient character, and explore the lighthouse of life. The “VSP Captain Series” is a series of interviews with frontline teachers in VSP, hoping to let more people know the touching stories behind these outstanding education dreamers.
Interviewee – Mr. Martin, G2C4 homeroom teacher of VSP

King of the Children
提起Mr. Martin, 同学们总会很兴奋。在浦东万科,他就像“大白(●—●)一般的存在,爱学生,也被学生喜爱。从某种意义上讲,他就像是VSP的校园“孩子王”。下面是Mr. Martin的自述。
在风雨连廊下的地板上写粉笔字也是,我把它当做是和学生的一种沟通方式。比如开学第一天,我会写“Welcome back to school”;学期的最后一天,我会写“We’re gonna miss you”。这一习惯从未改变,哪怕去年只有九年级返校上课,我还是在前一天回到校园,写下了欢迎语,我希望学生走向教学楼的这一路充满温暖和惊喜。最初因为长时间跪着写字,我的膝盖磨破了,后来我学习街头艺术家,买了一个滑板垫在膝盖下滑行后就好多了。
I’ve been writing quotes since I’ve worked in VSP. I do this because I always find them fascinating to see what other people think. Sometimes reading and learning from other people’s wisdom can really connect and put your day on the right track. Some teachers or students said they really like reading the quotes which were exactly what they need to hear.
There’s a tradition that I write down some messages by chalk on the floor on the first and the last day of school, even during the lockdown. When I first started doing it,I was crawling on the ground and my knees became bloody and bruised. So then I got these little rollers that can roll myself around on the ground to make it easier.
As a homeroom teacher, my office is in my class. I have some insects in my class. This semester I got ants, rhinoceros beetle and madagascar hissing cockroaches. Besides the insects I’ve also got microscopes for students to zoom in and see the details of these instects. The students are feeding and taking care of these creatures which foster their responsibilities.
If the weather was good, I would also bring out Gooka on Friday outdoor play time for kids to make. It’s a great way for the kids to have fun and to be creative. They make Gooka not just for themselves, but also give as gift to their friends, which helps build a close school community.
I also do the bubbles because I think the bubbles are the great equalizer, everybody gets excited about bubbles. Some kids are extrovert but some might be a little socially awkward, both of them get enjoyment from bubbles. I also want to convey that it doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, popular or not that popular, you can have fun and enjoy your life.

50 pairs of glasses, 100 ties, and……
You may not believe it, I’ve got about 50 different pairs of glasses and probably 100 ties. When I was teaching in Korea, I was wearing glasses, and one of my students, a little girl got glasses for the first time as well. So she felt that we were the “same”,and always want to chat glasses with me. I was suppose to get the laser surgery,but this interaction between teacher and student made me feel that there’s nothing wrong with glasses, on the contrary, glasses can become a “topic” attracting and ecouraging student to communicate with me. Because for young kids, they don’t have much English vocabulary and also may be shy to talk, my changing glasses gives them an opportunity to communicate with me to build their confidence. So as the function of costumes and ties.
I am also passionate about house activity. I bought all of the inflatable house mascot. I want the students to have a good experience in school. When they grow up and look back, I want them to have happy memories about their school life. House activity is a great way for kids to have fun. Life is more than just studying, you can have fun,you can be creative,you can get excited about things and be who you are.
I like shopping and have got a lot of things in my class. They are used for students, teaching and activities. People like borrow stuff from me as most of time I do have the thing they need.

Paying it forward
Now is the DTD Sports Season, I went to see the “1st DTD Baseball Open” which was on both Saturday and Sunday and cheered on VSP players. The match was in Minhang where is the west of Shanghai, but I live in Pudong where is the east of the city, so I booked a hotel to avoid long distance commute. Someone may ask why do you do so many things, why don’t you rest in weekend? But for me, all of works are worth as long as they support and benefit the students. I had fantastic teachers when I was a kid, so I want to pay it forward, and make my studetns feel being loved and supported.
I still remember all of my teachers from preschool kindergarten to grade eight. They had a passion for teaching and had a passion for really building kids up. When I go back to the US, I still sometimes see these teachers that used to teach me. I also connect some of my teachers on facebook and send messages. My mom is good friend with my first grade teacher. They still talk about me and my old grade one teacher even gives my mom teaching resources to give to me. All of these nice teachers shaped me.
My parents are also awesome. Every week or every other week we will make WeChat video calls. They are supportive of me for my entire life. and encouraged me to do what I wanted to do. They didn’t expect me to fit into a mold. After university I moved to New York and then I moved to korea, then I moved to shanghai, they’ve encouraged me every step of the way. They also made fantastic influence on my brother too. He’s smart and worked in video games industry. There’s a lot of social norms and stereotypes and I want kids to know that it’s okay if they don’t fit in with it, you can be you.

本学期,由于长期热心于学院和学生活动,Mr. Martin被正式聘任为学校学院活动协调员。由他精心策划的“分院仪式”受到师生的一致好评!
他会陪伴放学时没等到家人来接的学生,会用百变创意让孩子开怀大笑,会告诉学生你很棒你值得做自己。他是Mr. Martin——一名浦东万科的班主任老师,一位德英乐教育梦想家。
This semester, owing to the passion on House activity, Mr. Martin was appointed to be the House Activity Coordinator. The G1 house sorting activity created by him really impressed VSPers.
He’ll sit down and wait together with the student whose parents did not show up on time. He’ll make kids laugh with his creativity, and he’ll tell students that you’re awesome and you deserve to be yourself. He is Mr. Martin – a VSP homeroom teacher, a DTD Education Dreamer.

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 上海浦东新区民办万科学校